The Necessity of Occasional Boredom: A Residency Research in Hsinchu City
無聊 但是必要 — 新竹駐村觀察
The necessity of occasional boredom is something I have been thinking about since my early twenties. By the time, the courses in university not often interested me. Unfortunately, the most boring courses usually seemed to be the most important ones. A friend once told me that engaging in something means one has to embrace every part of it, including the unattractive things. That is how a person grow. Well, sounds pretty reasonable, so I believed in it for a long time. However, I found that boredom is not just something to be endured, but a necessary mirror reflecting the compelling parts, much like Ying and Yang. The joy of “feeling interested” won’t exist if the boring part had not been experienced. Sounds even more reasonable, until recently when I started to observe, or to face, the "boring stuffs" more deeply and directly. I suddenly realised they are not boring at all. The so-called “boring” is merely my arbitrary opinion.
There are many service space/facilities standing on the route between Hsinchu train station and Art Site of Railway Warehouse, such as parking lot, railway staff accommodation, and varies of maintenance equipments. They are all about function; people usually stay there only when they need to. However, they are indeed indispensable. These things, typically being described as “boring but necessary,” is ubiquitous in urban life. No matter as observable hardware or intangible routine, they happen to be the most interesting discoveries while exploring a new city for me.
find a place to clear out one’s mind
follow the rules
wait with patience
Exhibition Documentation
木刻版印刷︑胚布 Woodcut Printing on Fabric
行為紀錄影像︑裝置 Performance Documentation, Installation
等待火車(到達︑駛離︑停下︑經過) Waiting for Train (to arrive, to leave, to stop, to pass)
空間/聲音裝置 Space/Sound Installation
田美的一天 A Typical Day at Tianmei
併用版(木刻+單刷)︑日本版畫紙 Woodcut Printing and Monoprint on Japanese Printmaking Paper
*Full documentation of this work will be published in short future when I have time to scan the prints...
One Year at Art Site of Railway Warehouse Hsinchu City

The architecture of Hsinchu train station is a well-maintained building from Japanese period, the scale of it is not particularly large, thus can somehow make one feel surprised to see so many rails after stepping on to the platform. As once an important hub of land transportation, the trace of its past glory is quite obvious. Art Site of Railway Warehouse Hsinchu City was a cargo warehouse built by Japanese colonial government, sitting closely to one branching rail, equipped with a cargo loading platform between the warehouse and railway. The view must have been spectacular when the warehouse was once filled with goods.
This warehouse is by far the most interesting place I have been doing residency at, in terms of urban planning. It is located along the narrow gap between different zones; therefore, it does not belong to any of them. Instead, it is surrounded by all kinds of service spaces such as railway company dormitory, luggage storages, parking facilities, and two land bridges. After walking pass all of them, you will see the art site standing at the end of road. It is a bit isolated but peaceful.
Now there are two exhibition spaces in different size, one multifunction room, and five artist studios in the art site. I had stayed in one of the studios for one year during 2023. Sitting in the studio, I often looked at (also listened to) trains comes and goes through my huge window, and just let my mind follow the stream of consciousness for a whole afternoon. The dusts filling in my workspace, air blowed by moving trains, and all the small living things inhabiting (and their bodies after the end of a brief life history) came into my nourishment of seeing this world.
As the art site is a historical building, it is prohibited for accommodation or open flame usage. Therefore, residency artists will have to rent a room or commute from another city if they are not based in Hsinchu. I chose to commute for the first four months and had my observation while moving. In the end I decided to move to Hsinchu for it was too exhausting. That was how I started my living in Tianmei Third Street, which led to my work “A Typical Day at Tianmei.” In every one of my residencies, time always pass like running river. It can be overwhelming for my thoughts usually form with the speed of fossilization. But for some reason, I could not seem to give up this exhilarating process of throwing myself into a constantly altering environment. This seemingly waste of great amount of time and effort, is probably the point of my whole practice more than creating actual works.