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Reflective writings and some other mumblings.



I am not the children of mountain, nor of ocean;

I am something in between.


I came from an island but am no more of an islander than city folk.

The things running in my subconscious are hustle and bustle,

heat of vehicle exhaust, and stink of acid rain with industrial dust.


I am fond of natural landscape but never truly familiar with it,

I adore plant and animal but couldn't be one of them even if I want to.


I am a being of my own, as we all are.


These reflective texts run along with the shifting of my inner status

as I gradually dwell myself in the environment.

Heather 石楠 
Lewis and Harris 路易斯與哈里斯島 
Howling Deer 鹿嚎 
Blackwood 布雷克森林  
Dawn 黎明 
Lockdown 封城
The End of Spring 春的臨終
Last Summer before Going Home 歸前之夏 
High Street 高街
Scottish Strawberry 蘇格蘭草莓
Art, Space and Nature 藝術、空間、自然 
Workshops in the Basement下室的工坊
Ever Since Gutenberg 自從古騰堡後
Maker's Guide in Edinburgh 愛丁堡自造指南

Walks towards Keelung 沿著一條不會抵達基隆的河,前往山與海的夾縫

Updating from time to time.

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