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"The Condition of the City"

Edinburgh Printmakers Digital Residency

當病毒在密封中死去:愛丁堡 Edinburgh Printmakers美術館數位駐村

With the cancellation of the Edinburgh Festivals, Edinburgh Printmakers initiated a distanced residency project to reflect our current collective socially and physically distanced situation. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Edinburgh Printmakers offered support to 4 artists to research and develop new digital projects. They are Dominika Jackowska, Hsin Shyu, Sharon Ferris, and Popular Games (Gordon Douglas & Ben Callaghan).

Follow the hashtag #EPDigitalResidency on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to keep up with updates from each of their residencies.

Edinburgh Printmakers Website


​展出作品:When the Virus Dies in Sealed Packages

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